Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A Wing and a Prayer

“Forty-five percent of Americans … believe that God created human beings pretty much in their present form about 10,000 years ago”

     Gallup Poll, November 19, 2004

Recent court decisions have allowed the teaching of creation science alongside Darwinian evolution as a competing but equally valid theory of the origin of man. This has encouraged many of us- people of faith who work in other scientific fields- to demand similar attention and legal support. After all, the same laws of logic, deductive reasoning and scientific inquiry apply to all branches of science.

Despite the efforts of conventional so-called “aeronautical engineers” to explain the amazing phenomenon of an airplane lifting into the air with an unproven theory (“Bernoulli’s principle”), it should be apparent to anyone with intelligence that this simply cannot be true. Tiny differences in air pressure just cannot lift a jumbo jet weighing nearly a hundred tons. Those who doubt the hand of God in such a miracle might demonstrate such an effect in the laboratory, but just because something works on a microscopic scale doesn’t mean that it works the same way in the real world!

Since Bernoulli’s principle is just a theory, it is no better than any other theory. We simply want children in basic physics classes to be exposed to different viewpoints, and then let them make up their minds. Why should Bernoulli’s views be presented as facts, when there are equally plausible alternative explanations for lift, such as those championed by creation aerodynamics? Creation aerodynamics simply states that vertical lift is exerted on the wing of an aircraft by the will of God, in direct proportion to the faith of the occupants.

Unlike our fellow scientists who battle Darwin’s far fetched “theory” of evolution in the classroom, we creation aerodynamics researchers can go one step further to demonstrate the truth of our viewpoint. A recently incorporated airline- CreationAir- is now accepting reservations on our brand new fleet of airplanes designed in accordance to a strict literal reading of the Bible, without using Bernoulli’s laughable principles.

Care to go for a ride?