Sunday, April 03, 2005

Boring Boring: A Directory of Dull Things

Boring Boring: A Directory of Dull Things is a great way to keep up with various bits of Web effluvia... this site is a pretty funny parody of BoingBoing. But then again, if you haven't read BoingBoing (or a similar site) in a while, you might not find this too funny...

The Digital Life Lab at Caltech

This is pretty interesting, it was featured in Discover magazined... helps you understand about how evolution works...

The Digital Life Lab at Caltech: "Avida is an auto-adaptive genetic system designed primarily for use as a platform in Digital or Artificial Life research. In lay terms, Avida is a digital world in which simple computer programs mutate and evolve.

Avida allows us to study questions and perform experiments in evolutionalry dynamics and theoretical biology that are intractable in real biological system."