Friday, July 15, 2005

Two of my favorite things!

Wow. Sign me up. But how do I get wireless Internet access while I ride? Oh, well, at least the sushi will be fresh..!

UPDATE: Looks like this idea is catching on! Well, at least now there is more than one person doing it...

...and every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger...

OK, this has been out for a while, apparently. But the new Tim Burton flick has put me in the mood for a dark, twisted take on a happy childhood memory. And there are few movies that go together as well as "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Apocalypse Now".

With text by Dave Milloway and Matt Wood, and illustrations by Stephanie Freese, Chocolypse Now really hits the spot. Milloway, Wood and Freese also publish The Dada Detective.

Mmmmmm... that's good chocolate!